Reflections. New Year. New Life.



Reflections. New Year. New Life.

As usual I find myself writing to you and thinking how long over due it's been. 2015 was beautiful and I've loved meeting you and sharing with you on the road and also enjoyed building relationships online. This past year in particular has been very sweet in that way. I've met some major prayer warriors and am so thankful for the ways we can support each other over miles and through time. 





Measure success with the heart of the Father, not the eyes of the world.

Today I was able to share with some folks about what it means to me to be an independent artist at a delightful conference. I LOVE sharing my story, my passion and hopefully being an encouragement to follow your dreams above and beyond what others believe you can accomplish. You're not in any person’s hands. Define your success beyond human perceptions!

Hmmm, define your success beyond human perceptions.

As long as you're succeeding in a way that looks "normal," that isn't really a concept that you think of very much. 

The fear of failure is something that has always haunted me. Not disappointing God or my parents or my family… I’m very certain of their unconditional love. I’m afraid of disappointing myself. What if I don’t live up to what I believe I’m capable of or what I have always dreamt I would be?



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Don't miss another video!!

Subscribe to my youtube channel!

Hello friends! Hopefully a lot of you have noticed that I'm posting videos a lot more often these days :) 

So far I've posted acoustic performance videos for "My Heart's Lifted" and "The Broken Ones." Have you seen them? Have you SHARED them?!?!

Also, I've been posting answers to your "Questions For Kerrie!" There will be LOTS more of those! Please keep sending your questions! Post them on Youtube and to Facebook or Twitter with #questions4kerrie or write to 

So please watch these videos! SHARE them with your people!! And Don't miss another video!!! SUBSCRIBE to my channel!!!

I hope you're having a wonderful 2015!!! Keep in touch!!



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